Step 1: Fill out the Hand Challenge DONE Form and pack your hand up. We recommend a small box with packing material, such as plastic air bags, packing peanuts, etc. We also recommend that you use a carrier such as UPS or FedEx as opposed to the US Postal Service, so the package can be tracked the whole way. Also, both of those carriers are well familiar with our school.
Step 2: Send it to us! We will receive it, inspect it to ensure it functions properly, and display it along with the other hands from around the world. Once the challenge has ended, we will send all the hands to children in need. We will include the information from the Hand Challenge DONE Form so that you will get credit for the build and the child will know it was you that worked hard to positively impact a life.
Step 2: Send it to us! We will receive it, inspect it to ensure it functions properly, and display it along with the other hands from around the world. Once the challenge has ended, we will send all the hands to children in need. We will include the information from the Hand Challenge DONE Form so that you will get credit for the build and the child will know it was you that worked hard to positively impact a life.
ADDRESSCrossRoads Intermediate School
6949 St. Andrews Rd. Columbia, SC 29212 ATTN: Hand Challenge |